Digital transformation and automation come along with different challenges for corporations. Change processes, like a new agile environment or automation (e.g. human-machine-collaboration) are necessary and have a particularly strong impact on the interactive work in companies. It is often observed that within this change processes, companies have a one-sided focus on technological aspects, while neglecting human factors; although it is wellknown that low acceptance among employees can lead to much higher cost of change than originally expected. This contribution suggests, that during change processes in socio-technical systems employees and executives should be at the centre of attention, in order to safeguard the trust and acceptance of everyone involved and to promote the will to change. Therefore we present the three basic principles of ‘User-Centred Change’: ‘genuine participation’, ‘tangible experiences’ and ‘agility and iterations’, for ensuring a successful, user-centred transformation process.
Trübswetter, Zettl, Glende [2018]: User-Centred Change – Shaping Corporate Transformation with Participatory Design Tools.